Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Look before you leap

Recently I watched as some who claim to follow Christ acted in a most unchristian way. It seems they determined to make a series of decisions that ultimately impacted other believers in significantly hurtful ways. Along the way they rationalized appearances and circumstances so as to create in themselves the belief that they were doing the right thing. But ultimately they acted out of self-interest, and not in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.

Their actions will certainly have consequences for others but I am concerned here about the fact that they did not take time to consider deeply the consequences their actions will have on them. If you fire a bullet in close quarters, you had better first determine the risk of ricochet.

In the arena of interpersonal relationships many times hurtful actions can have far-reaching and unintended  consequences. If you hit me, I will try hard to forgive you, but it doesn't mean that our relationship will ever really be the same. I may at some point trust you again, but in the back of my mind I will be ready to put up my arms in defense at the first sight of danger. This illustrates a huge and important point. Forgiveness on my part does not effect reconciliation apart from repentance on your end. And even where both exist, it will take time for me to test the sincerity of your repentance. In any event it will be some time before I stop seeing you as potentially dangerous. Trust is built over time while suspicion is born in a moment, and can make the re-building of trust a long, long process.

As Christ followers we are called upon to "be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). This means many things but it certainly includes the mindset that I am going to think carefully and righteously before I initiate any process that might bring division between believers. I am going to recognize the long-term consequences of my short-term decisions, and I am going to make sure that what I am about to do is both righteous, and being done in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.

This episode has been a good reminder to me. We all better look before we leap, especially if we're looking to leap in a way that will hurt other believers. We have to be aware that when we leap, we've left the place of sure footing, and are in grave danger of hitting the rocks below ourselves.

Hope this helps,



At 8:19 PM , Blogger Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

Many could say that this post could certainly be called lashon hara or slander, but I wholeheartedly agree. Not only do I agree with your thoughts here, I appreciate them greatly. Thank you so much for voicing them so clearly. I couldn't have said it better myself.

~Hendel D'bu, Tacoma WA

At 7:29 AM , Blogger Baqash said...

I agree with the principles. I disagree that it could be called slander. No one was named. If what is said is true then there is no slander. (In written media it would be libel)

In addition, if Biblical principle is followed, go to the person (group), go with a fellow, go before the elders has been of no avail, then the next step is to go before the church.

If to call an entire community on its behavior was slander then the NT writers were great slanders and their letters to the churches should be banned.


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